Saturday, August 23, 2008

First week of College

Started from august 18, it's been a week for me being in college. The first day was the orientation day, just like as usual for the new students. Talking about anything related with college, especially the rules for us the International Students and bla bla bla. Since the college day started, I got much less time to go out for having some funs. Honestly, I found out that the educational system here is just so different from what I had done before in Indonesia and also in Malaysia. We are supposed to finish all the General Education Requirements in order to get done for being the "freshman" and be transferred to the CSU (California State University) directly as a "junior", where I'm really excited about. I must do a lot of running to get in into the class (the adding class procedures). Although you are adding the class and filled up your name on the adding-list, there is no guarantee you'd get into the class. It's all about the fortune. If you're lucky, then the lecturer would be pleased to add you without any bull-shitting. But, if you're not, that means you must move your ass out from that class and try to find another class which is allowing you to in. Until now, I only have 8 units of classes (ESL 150 and ESL 79). The requirement is the International students must have at least 12 units of classes to keep their status legally. So, another 4? I'll get to know it on Tuesday from Statistic Class.

P.S. Oh boy, I hate doing General Education Requirements!